Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Inevitable Halloween Post

Ryan Gosling's band Dead Man's Bones, via Trendland
Halloween is a veritable religion here at the University. It has been building up to this climax all week, my fellow students have been showing up in costumes to class (despite the fact that the actual traditional holiday isn't until Sunday), and lugging cheap fabric and other paraphernalia across Grounds in effort to make the best getup they can. And all these things would be unacceptable in any sort of normal culture. But of course, this is the American collegiate system. There is nothing normal to be found here. We exist in a cultural, economic, and developmental bubble.

Where else would women dressed as provocative versions of almost anything be acceptable? The college-aged and irresponsible adult peer groups seem to revel in the fact that once a year, they can be publicly reveal their inner sex kitten or slutty French maid. That's right, ladies: tonight, you can be a prostitute. Dream come true?

Not only does this result in a complete acceptance and willingness to objectify one's body, but a desire to do so. Is there a latent kinkiness we are all ashamed of 364 days a year, but that can be displayed... nay, flaunted on October 31st? This makes me have very little faith in my peer group. Not only this, but it demonstrates a complete lack of creativity when "dressing up". To draw from (of all things) Sex and the City, there are two options for women: sexy witch or sexy kitten. Nothing else. For men, it is harder. But then again, there is no pressure to be "skanky" or sexually promiscuous is their get-up.

On the upside, there is a small minority of students that I have seen who went above and beyond the cultural norm and dressed up as simply stellar characters. To name a few: Woody from Toy Story (complete with pull string and all), Frieda Kahlo, Richie Tenenbaum, the Brawney Paper Towel Man, and the Fantastic Mr. Fox. Notice, however, that only one of these costumers was a woman. 

Let's question the reason why we accept Halloweekend and all its cultural mores before we jump into that tunic, bunny ears, and obnoxiously "sexy" heels. 

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